29 Mar 2008
TechDays Webcast

19 Mar 2008
Mobile Line of Business Accelerator 2008
Le "Mobile Line of Business Accelerator 2008" (le "Hardware Distributor") est un exemple d'application de gestion Supply Chain sur PDA écrite en C# avec Visual Studio 2008. L'application .NET Compact Framework 3.5 effectue différentes tâches basées sur des rôles d'utilisateur spécifiques.
Tous les devices utilisées dans ce scenario sont synchronisés les uns avec les autres par l'utilisation de Sync Services for ADO.NET et des Windows Communication Foundation's en version "Store and Forward" et nécessite SQL Server Compact, SQL Server 2008, et Exchange Server 2007, sur un réseau sans fil.
Les fonctionnalités du Compact Framework mises en œuvre sont :
- Sync Services for ADO.NET avec SQL Server 2008
- Store and Forward Transport avec Exchange Server 2007
- Accès à des Web Service maps depuis MapPoint
- Controls customs
- Signature Control
- Listview avec en-tête de colonne avec dégradés de couleurs
- Splash Screen
- State and Notification Broker API
- ADO.NET Communication avec SQL Server Compact.
- Triggers managés
- Procédures stockées managées
- Déploiement de fichier CAB
- Utilisation de LINQ
- Divers
- Language Localization
- Gestion des fichiers d'aide
- Adaptation automatique de l'application à différentes tailles d'écran ou méthodes de saisie
For all those which want an example of application shows all that the CF 3.5 can offer, here what you need: download
The Mobile Line of Business Accelerator 2008 (the "Hardware Distributor") showcases a mobile supply chain application written in Visual C# using Visual Studio 2008. This .NET Compact Framework 3.5 application performs different tasks based on specific user roles.
All the devices used by the various roles are kept in sync with each other through the use of Sync Services for ADO.NET and Windows Communication Foundation's "Store and Forward" capabilities and requires SQL Server Compact, SQL Server 2008, and Exchange Server 2007, over wireless.
Compact Framework features used:
- Sync Services for ADO.NET with SQL Server 2008
- Store and Forward Transport with Exchange Server 2007
- Web Service retrieval of maps from MapPoint
- Custom Controls
- Signature Control
- Gradient Header control on a listview
- Gradient Button control
- Splash Screen
- State and Notification Broker API
- ADO.NET Communication with SQL Server Compact.
- Managed Triggers
- Managed Stored Procedures
- CAB deployment project
- Use of LINQ
- Miscellaneous
- Language Localization
- Help Files Management
- CAB Development example
- Adapt your Application for different screen sizes or input methods
17 Mar 2008
Sign a CAB file
Create a Windows Mobile certificate:
Acheter un certificat :
Buy a certificate :
Install the certificate with the CAB:
Copier le Cab sur le PDA et le lancer, attention si ce Cab n'est pas lui-même signé, un message d'avertissements est à accepter.
Copy the CAB file on the device and launch it, the cab is not signed, so you have to accept the warning message.
Sign the CAB and all its content:
Avec l'outil cabsigntool disponible lors de l'installation du SDK WM 6, C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Tools\Security\CabSignTool
With the tool cabsigntool available with the SDK WM 6.0, C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Tools\Security\CabSignTool
cabsigntool MyCAB.CAB MyCABSign.cab -f MyCert.pfx
CABSIGNTOOL: Signs a CAB and all its executable content (.exe, .dll)
with specified certificate(s).
Output CAB : MyCABSign.cab
signtool command line:-
for cab : -f MyCert.pfx
for files : -f MyCert.pfx
CABSIGNTOOL: Extracting CAB contents.
CABSIGNTOOL: Signing CAB contents.
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: C:\DOCUME~1\fdecret\LOCALS~1\Temp\CabDDA.tmp\000CRlib.003
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: C:\DOCUME~1\fdecret\LOCALS~1\Temp\CabDDA.tmp\ECHODI~1.004
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: C:\DOCUME~1\fdecret\LOCALS~1\Temp\CabDDA.tmp\ECHODI~1.005
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: C:\DOCUME~1\fdecret\LOCALS~1\Temp\CabDDA.tmp\VIDEOB~1.001
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: C:\DOCUME~1\fdecret\LOCALS~1\Temp\CabDDA.tmp\VIDEOI~1.002
Microsoft (R) Cabinet Maker - Version 5.1.2600.2180
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..
Parsing directives (C:\DOCUME~1\fdecret\LOCALS~1\Temp\CabDDA.tmp\wizDDB.tmp: 1 l
1,097,294 bytes in 12 files
Total files: 12
Bytes before: 1,097,294
Bytes after: 1,097,294
After/Before: 100.00% compression
Time: 0.31 seconds ( 0 hr 0 min 0.31 sec)
Throughput: 3423.57 Kb/second
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: MyCABSign.cab
Install the signed CAB
Vous pouvez maintenant lancer vos CAB et vos applications signés avec le certificat et de fait ne plus avoir de message d'avertissement.
You can now launch your CAB file and your applications signed with the certificates and not have to accept the warning message.
10 Mar 2008
Component CF 3.5 for PB
5 Mar 2008
News Windows From CF 3.5
Pour l’objet Control :
- les polices ClearType sont prises en compte
- la propriété BackColor est supportée en mode lecture seule (1)
Il est dorénavant possible d’ajouter des Graphics aux contrôles suivant :
- TabPage (2)
- Panel
- Splitter
- PictureBox
Pour les ComboBox, Les propriétés SelectionStart et SelectionLength sont maintenant prises en charge.
Here are a list of the new imrpovements in the Compact Framework 3.5.
For the Control object :
- ClearType fonts are supported
- the BackColor property is supported on read-only controls (1)
Now, Users can now add graphics to these controls:
- TabPage (2)
- Panel
- Splitter
- PictureBox
For the ComboBox, the SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties are now supported.
3 Mar 2008
DesktopCompatible CF3.5
With the CF2.0, the UserControl are supported, but it is possible you have the following error "Visual Inheritance is Currently Disabled" after adding your new custom control to a form. You might typically get this when the control uses P/Invokes or device level functionality not supported on the desktop like the WindowsCE assembly for example. To get around this problem, you have to add an XMTA file with the DesktopCompatible(true) for the UserControl.
Avec Visual Studio 2008, si vous faites cela avec une application CF 3.5, vous obtiendrez le message d’erreur suivant lors de l’ajout de votre UserControl à la Form :
With Visual Studio 2008, if you have a CF 3.5, you will obtain the following error message after adding your new custom control to a form:

Pour contourner ce problème, il suffit d’ajouter l’assembly Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll du Compact Framework 3.5 au GAC :
gacutil /i C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE\Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll
To get arround this problem, you need to add the assembly Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll Compact Framework 3.5 to the GAC :
gacutil /i C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE\Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll