26 Nov 2008

PInvoke DllIImport

When you are connecting managed code to native, it is often a pain to figure out how to write the “DllImport” properly. It allows you to search on a function name and see user contributed definitions for the DLL Import…

Pour l'import de fonctions natives dans votre code managée, voici une bonne adresse pour récupérer tous les DLLimports dont vous avez besoin. Cela vous permet de chercher à partir d'un nom de fonction et de récupérer la définition pour le "DLLimport".


OpenNetCF SDF 2.3

The Smart Device Framework is our award-winning framework that provides hundreds of classes and thousands of properties and methods to extend the behavior of the .NET Compact Framework. SDF 2.3 is finally available

Le framework de développement pour Smart device qui propose des 100 de classes et de propriétés pour étendre les fonctionnalités du Compact Framework est maintenant disponible en version 2.3.

  • Visual Studio 2008 Designer Support (CF 2.0 projects only)
  • Full Library Source Code
  • Visual Studio 2008 Sample Applications, including source code
  • Visual Studio 2008 Help Integration

  • 18 Nov 2008

    Change the keyboard layout

    Un petit article sur comment changer le layout du clavier sous Windows CE, premièrement vous pouvez utiliser la fonction suivante pour récupérer la liste de tout les layouts pré-chargés.
    A small post on how to change the keyboard layout, first of all, you can use the following function to get the list of all the pre-downloaded layouts:

    UINT GetKeyboardLayoutList(int nBuff, HKL* lpList);

    Ensuite pour activer le layout désiré, appeler la fonction suivante :
    Then to activate the chosen layout, call the following function:

    HKL ActivateKeyboardLayout(HKL hkl, UINT Flags);

    Autrement vous devez pouvoir simuler un appui sur ALT+SHIFT en remontant le message suivant :
    Then, you can also simulate a press on ALT+SHIFT and get back the following message:


    Thanks to Otter for this tip.

    12 Nov 2008

    Windows Mobile Smackdown Tech Ed 2008

    Hi all,

    I attended to a session called the Windows Mobile Smackdown. The Smackdown is a session where we show cool applications and solutions for Windows Mobile. I share with you the good links...

    Jai assiste a une session appelee the Windows Mobile Smackdown. Le 'Smackdown' est une session ou sont presentees les applis et solutions sympas pour Windows Mobile. Voici quelques liens interessants...

    Kinoma - http://kinoma.com/ - Kinoma Play is all you need to enjoy video, audio and pictures

    MY MOBILER - http://www.mymobiler.com/ - View your mobile screen on your desktop

    PowerSMS - http://www.trinketsoftware.com/Products.aspx - Manage your SMSs

    Slingbox - http://www.slingmedia.com/ - access your TV from anywhere in the world on your device

    Celio Redfly - http://celiocorp.com/ - A cool PDA Extender

    Business Card Scanner - http://store.penpowerinc.com/mobile.html - take pictures of business cards and then OCR them straight into your contacts

    Tiny Twitter - http://www.tinytwitter.com/ - access your twitter account and tweet from your device

    Team Calendar - http://www.teamcalendar.com/ - Want to get access to colleagues schedules or diaries on your device?

    Dashwire - http://www.dashwire.com/ - sync your device to a web service and access all your content online

    Snap2Face - http://www.magnifoca.com/download_snap2face.html Access your Facebook photos and even upload new photos too

    WiFi Router - http://www.wmwifirouter.com/ - use your Windows Mobile device as a Wi-Fi Router

    Qik - http://www.qik.com/ - upload videos from your device straight to Qik

    Guitar Hero 3 - http://www.guitarheromobile.com/ - Rock out to GH3 - now all we need is a Bluetooth mini guitar!